01 about

- Trained as a scientist and engineer.
Maker at heart. -
I am a Ph.D. student at Cornell in Systems working at the Organic Robotics Laboratory. My interest in Robotic Systems converges on the intersection of Computer Science, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering.
Particularly, I'm interested in Complexity in Soft Robots and how the creation of robots that can feel and actuate as living beings would lead to the emergence of complex behaviors and why not intelligence.
I received a Master degree in Systems Engineering at Cornell University focused on Product Development and Human Centered Design. I did my bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Controls and started my career as an entrepreneur in my home country.
02 projects
03 publications and awards
- Barreiros, O'Brien, et. al., Configurable Tendon Routing in a 3D-printed Soft Actuator for Improved Locomotion in a Multi-Legged Robot, Robosoft, 2019 [In Submission]
- Barreiros, Claure, Peele et. al., Fluidic Elastomer Actuators for Haptic Interactions in Virtual Reality, RA-L, 2018 [Accepted]
- Shepherd, Peele, Mac Murray, Barreiros, Shapira, Spjut, Luebke, Stretchable Transducers for Kinesthetic Interactions in Virtual Reality, SIGGRAPH E-Tech, 2017
- Peele, Mac Murray, Barreiros, et. al., Stretchable Transducers for Haptic Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Reality, GTC, 2017
- Barreiros J., Magne N., Open source multispectral camera array for vegetation analysis, IEEE Chilecon, 2015.
- Barreiros J., Magne, N., et. al., Multispectral NDVI aerial image system for vegetation analysis by using a consumer camera, IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing, 2014.
- 2nd place, 2016 MIT Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, Boston, MA.
- 1st place - Global nominee, 2015 NASA International Space Apps Challenge, Ecuador.
- 1st place, 2014 Ecuadorian National Research Award for Undergraduate Student
04 contact
Ithaca, NY 14850